Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This will be a quickie

This will be a quickie cause I have about 10 minutes before I have to leave for work. The program is going well. It seems fairly easy to manage. I just have to learn to make better choices, which I've been doing. Yesterday someone at work was trying to be nice or funny I'm not sure which and gave me a small bag of cool ranch doritos. I LOVE LOVE LOVE those. They are my weakness. Some people like chocolate. Not me, cool ranch doritos are my chocolate. But you know what, the progress I've mad in the last 10 days is a great motivator. I didn't even consider eating them, especially after I calculated them for a whopping 6 points! I left them sitting on my desk so I can look at them everyday and be proud of myself that I have power over food, and it does not have power over me. My mom always says (yes, I know I sound like Forrest Gump) eat to live don't live to eat. For many years I've been living to eat. My mindset will not change over night. Years of bad habits take time to break, but I'm working on it. Well that's my 10 minutes, have a great day and eat well!

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